Presentation Information

Meg Nagle

Exclusively Breastfeeding Triplets-Case Studies

  • Speaker: Meg Nagle , BA Psychology, IBCLC
  • Presentation Type:
  • Duration: 45 Mins
  • Credits: .75 CERP, .75 Nursing CEU, .75 CME, .05 Midwifery CEU, .75 Dietetic CEU

Exclusively breastfeeding triplets can seem to many an unattainable goal, yet two women in Australia have not only reached their goals of breastfeeding their triplets exclusively, but have surpassed their original expectations of what they could achieve. This presentation will focus on two case studies and includes pictures of them breastfeeding their triplets in various positions. Both women have been successful at reaching their breastfeeding goals and are currently breastfeeding into toddlerhood due to many factors which will be discussed. These include the woman’s strong desire and motivation to breastfeed; how their births influenced their breastfeeding experiences; what effect the level of support had on reaching their goals and; their own beliefs as to why they feel they have been successful. The presentation will include how we as health care providers can best support women with multiples to reach their breastfeeding goals.