Speaker Interviews 2019
We are thrilled to offer such a diverse group of Researchers, Clinicians & Lactation Consultants for our 2019 GOLD Lactation Conference. We had a chance to sit down with some of the Speakers before the conference begins and learn a little bit more about them and what they will be presenting this year. Enjoy!
Please note, these are NOT presentations and do not count towards educational hours
Persistent Pain During Breastfeeding - A Challenge in Lactation Counseling Alexandra Glass |
Rummaging in the Tool Bag: Examples of Approaches Borrowed from Other Disciplines, Applied in Lactation Support Practice Annabelle Mackenzie |
Gradual Weaning – Helping Mothers Who Are Ready to Move On Bianca Balassiano |
Psychiatric Topics in Breastfeeding Briana Tillman & Nicholas Sloan |
Could Breastfeeding Help Prevent and Overcome Sensory Food Aversion? Carole Hervé |
The IBCLC as Expert Witness: Role, Strategies, and Resources Cynthia Good |
Mothering Experiences: The Development of Self-Efficacy in First Time Mothers Eithne Murray |
Liquid Gold from the Milk Bar: Health Professional Language and Practices When Providing Breastfeeding Support Elaine Burns |
Connection Over Perfection: Practical Strategies for Supporting Challenging Parents Elizabeth Johnson |
Breastfeeding Without Nursing: Why Do Some Breastfeeders Exclusively Pump and What Can We Do to Support Them? Fiona Jardine |
A Case for Clipping, a Case for Waiting: Difficult Decisions in Clinic Gina Weissman |
Epigenetic Impact of Breastfeeding on Infant Stress Regulation Katheleen Hawes |
Does Breastfeeding Protect Maternal Mental Health? The Role of Oxytocin and Stress Kathleen Kendall-Tackett |
Lessons to Learn from Fed Is Best: How Can We Improve Our Care? Kathleen Kendall-Tackett |
Maternal Complications and Breast Masses in Breastfeeding Katrina B. Mitchell |
Equity and Safer Infant Feeding in Times of Disaster and Civil Unrest Lourdes M. Santaballa Mora |
Addressing Complex Sleep Problems While Optimizing Breastfeeding Lyndsey Hookway |
Differentiating Normal Newborn Weight Loss From Breastfeeding Failure Micaela Notarangelo |
Teens and Breastfeeding Nancy Williams |
The Resurgence and Role of Human Milk Banking Natalie Shenker |
Funny Tasting Milk: The Biochemistry and Clinical Applications of Human Milk Oxidation vs. High Lipase Action Nicola Singletary |
Marijuana and Breastfeeding: A Second Look, A Better Approach Sekeita Lewis-Johnson |
B Theory of Breastfeeding: Baby-Breast-Brain-Backup Axis (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) Shu-Fang Wang |
Barriers to Breastfeeding in Appalachia: A Sociocultural Perspective Stephanie Carroll |
Reflections on a Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program in Lebanon: Lessons Learned and Looking Forward Tamara Drenttel Brand |
Finger Feeding: What Do We Know? What Should We Know? (Tools of the Trade Add-on Lecture Pack) Alison Hazelbaker |
The Proficient Pumper (Tools of the Trade Add-on Lecture Pack) Alyssa Schnell |
Meet Me in the Nipple Aisle (Tools of the Trade Add-on Lecture Pack) Amy Peterson & Mindy Harmer |
The Great Nipple Shield Debate (Tools of the Trade Add-on Lecture Pack) Barbara Robertson |
Using Breastfeeding Supplementers (Tools of the Trade Add-on Lecture Pack) Catherine Watson Genna |
Beyond Fenugreek: An Individualized Approach to Dietary and Herbal Galactagogues (Tools of the Trade Add-on Lecture Pack) Melissa Cole |
Breastfeeding and Cranial Nerve Dysfunction – the what, who and why of Cranial Nerve Dysfunction in the newborn to precrawling baby (Focus on Foundations Add-on Lecture Pack) Carmela Kika Baeza |
Positioning and Latch for Breastfeeding (Focus on Foundations Add-on Lecture Pack) Catherine Watson Genna |
Performing Physical Breast Assessment (Focus on Foundations Add-on Lecture Pack) Katrina B. Mitchell |
Taking a Lactation History: From Pregnancy to Postpartum and Beyond (Focus on Foundations Add-on Lecture Pack) Lisa Amir |
Infant Oral Assessment: Exploring Anatomy and Function Beyond the Frenulum (Focus on Foundations Add-on Lecture Pack) Melissa Cole |
Marching Orders: Developing Practical and Impactful Care Plans (Focus on Foundations Add-on Lecture Pack) Nekisha Killings |